We all carry a piece of a greater secret, one born of this world, and it is our duty to decipher it. For what is life if not the pursuit of discovery.

- Ethelus Loxas, Chief Historian of the Ambrites

The Animal Kingdom of Caligo

The Bestiarum Primitus or Caligo Bestiary is the first compendium of beasts originating from the ancient world of Caligo. Originally, it was created by the Ambrites, a race of sprites dedicated to the collection, understanding, and documenting of everything on the planet.

Discover every creature once thought to be imagined just behind the amber walls of this ancient library, and become enchanted. Here, even the mutated lifeforms found in the timeless gales of Nevermore and other similar realms rest in absolute preservation.

Knowledge is power, and learning what dwells beyond the fog will only serve to insure one's survival.

Bestiarum Primitus

Dare. Explore. Grow.

The Bestiarum Primitus has been carefully translated by author H.S. Crow, and brought to life by artists Karlee Ludvik, Cha Wak and Ashevaili. The artist is credited to the specific animal they worked on.

Every creature from the bubbling molten stones of a furious volcano to the poisonous depths of the ocean, and even the storm islands of mist and sky are being examined and recorded into this growing museum.

Currently, this section of the library is undergoing remodeling after a hostile tribe from Moros invaded our island and killed our late Chief Historian.

The Sap of Nitra

Is a type of resin extracted from Nitra Trees known for its extreme durability by all the inhabitants of Caligo.

When fresh, the extremely sticky sap is often used for construction or crowd control.

H.S. Crow has literary works appearing in all mediums of entertainment with a focus on fantasy, science fiction, and horror. He is an author traversing the breathtaking Caligo, a vast universe containing our dreams and nightmares. Notable books include Lunora and the Monster King, Stars of Glass, & the upcoming Drums of Fog. 

H.S. Crow